Contact us
Contact us


Working closely with our suppliers is vital to the effective achievement of our goals, as their contribution is essential and enriches our operational capacity.

Register as a supplier:

  • Updated RUT (current year)
  • Chamber of Commerce certificate, not older than 3 months .
  • ID of legal representative
  • SGSST and quality certificates.
  • Financial statements of the last period, certified and with notes.
  • Updated income tax return.
  • Certificate of original bank account (to make payments)
  • Two commercial references
  • Certificate of disciplinary record of the legal entity and legal representative issued by the Attorney General’s Office, valid for no more than one month.
  • Certificate of fiscal responsibility of the legal entity and legal representative issued by the Comptroller’s Office, not older than one month.

Declaration of prevention of money laundering and financing of terrorism (Download)

Source of funds declaration form (Download)

Supplier registration form (Download)

The documents must be sent to the email:
With the subject: Supplier registration.


We periodically publish a newsletter where you can learn more about technologies, how to deal with security issues, challenges, and specialized training.

If you would like to receive information, please register.
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