About Us
About Us


We are a company founded in 2006, formed by expert, passionate, honest personnel committed to ensure the information of companies and guarantee its operation. 

Value Proposition

We help organizations evolve and secure their information to protect against cyber threats now and in the future. 


We are a Colombian multinational company that accompanies organizations in the protection of the digital environment, supporting the growth and continuity of their business. 


In 2029, to be a leading company in the cybersecurity market, internationally influential and recognized for: 

Leadership in innovationn

anticipating threats and developing customized and innovative solutions.

Regional expansion

consolidating our presence in Colombia and expanding to other countries.


promote a culture that is inclusive of all visions and capitalize on the richness of diversity.

ISO 27001

NTC- ISO-IEC 270001:2013


CCD Social is the project through which the employees, families, friends and clients of CCD Compañía de Ciberseguridad y Defensa bet on the development of Colombia, promoting the conditions for a just and peaceful society. Through this initiative, we support different social foundations and implement strategies that allow them to develop their activities.

Our projects are:

Pandora la Zona del Saber Library

Vale ayudar


We periodically publish a newsletter where you can learn more about technologies, how to deal with security issues, challenges, and specialized training.

If you would like to receive information, please register.
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